5 Reasons to Stop and Say Hello!

Happy Friday!

Where will you be tomorrow? If you are near Princeton, NJ, I hope you’ll stop by to say hello! I’ll be there signing Providence and taking part in a panel for the Mary Jacobs Library Foundation YA Book Fest Here’s five reasons you should stop and chat:

  1. I’m a very friendly person – just ask anyone who has been out in public with me. I’m the lady behind you in line that asks how your day is going and ends up hearing about what you bought for Aunt Junie for Christmas and how she always braided your hair when you were a little girl. Plus, I actually like hearing all about your Aunt Junie.
  2. Making a great big loop around wherever I’m seated to avoid making eye contact with me can be exhausting. In comparison, saying hello and getting a smile and a pleasant comment in return can be truly energizing. Who doesn’t need an energy boost this time of year?
  3. I’m not a salesperson at heart. If you tell me you’re looking for a book on hockey, I won’t tell you what you really mean is you want a book on teamwork and it took real teamwork to build a safe and happy environment for my main characters. Instead, I’ll point you in the direction of the sports books.
  4. I have really pretty bookmarks that I give away.
  5. You can never tell where a short conversation can lead. We may end up being besties! Afterall, we already have something in common – we both like to hang out in bookstores!

Plus, if you get bored with me there will be fifteen other authors there to chat with, including the engaging authors Char Bennardo, Alison Formento, and Yvonne Ventresca.

Have a great week!


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