Happy Friday!
It seems like a presence in social media is a requirement of writing today. There are heaps of articles, blog posts, and how-tos telling authors how to build an audience. For some of us, having a website and a blog and an author’s facebook page and a twitter feed and…and…and…is overwhelming. In addition to writing my WIP, I work full-time on other projects. The time factor means I have to focus on only a few social media outlets. This leaves me feeling like I’m never doing all that I should be doing. The reality, too, is that I am a fairly private person. Putting myself ‘out there’ in the world is painful. Another author I know just likened the release of her latest novel to painting a target on her back. The following she has established could attack at any minute.
All of this added up to a very negative attitude on my part. Instead of embracing this adventure I’m on, the road from sale to publication has seemed like a giant chore. That changed this week and the catalyst for change came through social media.
My publisher, Merit Press, is putting together a teen board. They are looking for teens who love to read and to write about reading. I don’t have many Twitter followers, but among those I have is a 15 year old girl named Kate. I don’t know Kate personally and have no idea why she started following me. Her self description describes a girl who loves books and blogs about them. Perfect match with the teen board or what? So I went to Kate’s blog and contacted her about the board. Her reaction was pure enthusiasm. She embraced this opportunity for a new adventure wholeheartedly.
My first reaction to her excitement was to smile. Then I thought long and hard about it. Why wasn’t I looking at my new adventure with this kind of enthusiasm? I was letting fear and worry ruin the journey I had worked so long and hard to be on. No more. I’m going to embrace this wonderful opportunity with the joy and excitement it deserves. I’ll make some mistakes along the way, stumble here and there, drop the ball now and then, but I’ll enjoy the trip just the same. So thank you 15 year old book blogger Kate for your contagious enthusiasm for new adventures!