Writing Buddies

Happy Friday!

I love spending time with other writers. Published or unpublished, we share a common bond. A critique group is incredibly valuable, but spending time socializing with other writers/illustrators is valuable too.

Last night, I went to a cocktail party thrown by the NJSCBWI (Thank you Leeza Hernendez). I got to see people I haven’t seen in awhile and meet some new people. I got to hear about the projects they are working on and the projects they have completed. I got to share my own news. Listening to other people’s hopes, dreams, and fears renews my enthusiasm for writing. Knowing they understand the excitement and fear I’m feeling about the journey I’m on is reassuring.

I also have an online group of buddies I share writing news with. Most of these people I have never met in person, yet I feel their pain when they are smarting from a negative review or are stuck in a revision cycle and revel in their joy when something wonderful happens.

My point of this rambling post is writers should make more effort to socialize with other writers and illustrators. It doesn’t matter if you are a high school student, college student, stay-at-home mom or dad, or a lawyer writing your novel in thirty minute slots at the end of your day. We are all very busy, but we all should find time to spend with others who get what we are going through. So with the new year only a few weeks away, how about we all add this to our list of resolutions – we will make an effort to get together socially with other writers and illustrators simply because it feeds our souls.


Have a great weekend! (It appears I will be snowed in!)

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