Deadlines: Friend or Foe?

Happy Friday!

Today I found out PROVIDENCE is now available in paperback too, so it is a happy, happy Friday for me.

My critique group met today and one member was talking about a deadline she needs to meet for her next book. The writing has just begun and it is destined to be a very long and meaty book. She will have to write at a steady and aggressive pace. Still she is very calm and confident it will get done and having seen her pull books together quickly without tossing quality over the boat in the past makes me confident she will be able to do it too. If it were me however, I would be panicking. Now my crit buddy has many books under her belt, so perhaps the calm comes with experience. I hope so! That means there is hope for me!

How about you? Are you someone who does her best work under pressure? Does a looming deadline dust the cobwebs away from the brain cells and give you a boost of energy to get it done? Or does your creative brain shut down under pressure? Any tips on how to get around this version of brain freeze?

Have a great week!


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