The Gifts of Youth

Happy Day-After- Friday!

The week flew by and I never posted here. This time of year with its frigid temperatures and snowy coat always causes me to think more about things that in the summer might only get brief consideration. Two of the things happily occupying my mind at the moment are family things. One of my cousins has a daughter who studied the culinary arts. After graduation, she traveled with the PGA tournaments as a pastry chef. Now she is traveling with one of the Cirque de Solei troupes making them luscious things to eat. I am in awe of this. I did not have the courage to go off on my own with a group of strangers seeing the world while I did my job. I still don’t have it. I think long and hard about where I’m going for author appearances. I plot out my trips with the question  –  Is this the safest way to do this? –  always in my head.  I so admire Tori for just doing it, but it has led me to think too much about why I am the way I am. Hence, my resolution to be braver.

I also have a niece who is a college sophomore. She recently edited a portion of the college literary magazine. Such a big accomplishment at such a young age! She started thinking about summer internships months ago and seems to know what she wants to do when she graduates. I still have days when I wonder what I want to be when I grow up. I admire her focus and hope to recapture some of that “Watch out world, here I come!” outlook.

I guess what I’m saying is the older I get the more I learn from those younger than me – my kids, nieces, nephews, and younger people I’m fortunate to meet because of my book. I want to bottle their enthusiasm for life and keep it with me always.


Stay warm and have a great week!



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